Blue Cane Corso puppies in Flushing, New York
Hi, we are proud to announce the arrival of 6 healthy puppies produced by our Rara and Enzo mac blue stone. We have 3 blue males 1 blue female 1 formentino male and 1 formentino female. Picture of new born puppies are of the litter born 11-09-14 The parents of this litter look amazing and will be on site when you decide to come view the puppies. Puppies will be ready at 8 weeks tails will be docked wormed and up to date on shots ear cropping is extra if you decide to have the puppies ear cropped. pedigree posted is from the last litter produced by the parents of this litter you could see the blood lines ICCF registered .Price is with limited ICCF registration . Please feel free to email for more info.