White Siberian Husky Puppy in Flushing, New York

Price: $850
Type: Pets, For Sale

646) 664-5071 She was born on august 3rd making her 9 weeks old now. Diamond is lovable hyper, with a creative side. She will always find a way to get where she wants from climbing Chairs, to crates. She gets distracted easily by playing with her chew toys. Siberian Huskies are pack animals and tend to be with a pack. Being alone can make her feel lonely. She understands patients sits quietly waiting for food to be served. Good with potty training, and sitting down on command. Diamond comes with her first shot and dewormed as a pup. if you would like more information call or text (646) 664-5071 - Marilyn

City: Flushing  Zip code: 11368 Category: Pets
Pets in Flushing for sale

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